Perubahan Harga Terakhir: 08-07-2020, 17:03
Detail Cepat
Masker Kain Scuba Tebal Korea Style Gramasi 320 Gram Protective Mask Safeme X2 Adults Medium
Masker Kain Scuba merupakan salah satu masker terfavorit untuk digunakan, karena modelnya yang fashionable tren masker korea style, berbahan nyaman di kulit, dan tentu harganya yang ekonomis sehingga dapat dijangkau semua kalangan. Masker Kain Scuba jenis ini memiliki serat kain yang lembut dan halus di kulit wajah. Masker Kain Scuba Safeme X2 memiliki ketebalan 2mm karena menggunakan bahan Polyester Scuba 320 gram yang paling tebal dikelasnya, Namun meski tebal Masker Scuba Safeme X2 tidak panas saat dikenakan.
Product Description:
Product: Protective Dust Mask Scuba X2 Adults Medium
Product Code: SF-MSK-AX201M
Brand Name: Safeme
Material: Polyester Scuba 320g
Technology: Laser Cutting Pression
Dimension: 35 x 14 x 0.2 cm
Item Weight: 10gr
Packaging: Plastic Ziplock
Size: Adults Medium
Color Ready: Black
- Made of Polyester Scuba 320gr Material, can filter small particles of the air.
- The mask is breathable, suitable to wear in spring and summer.
- Flat ear tape that ears do not come have pain even if you wear the mask for a long time.
- Elastic earloop mouth-mask is wide enough for cover nose, mouth and face, comfortable to wear.
- Unique cutting, perfectly attach onto face with great elastic ability, soft but always keeps shape.
- It can protect your mouth and face from dust, pollen, ash, fog and haze, vehicle exhaust, and passive smoking.
Package Contents:
1pcs Safeme Protective Dust Mask X2
Other items not included
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