Inogen One G4 Portable Oxygen Concentrator 2018 | Made in USA

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Rp 48.850.000

Perubahan Harga Terakhir: 18-07-2018, 01:14

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United State of America - USA
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Inogen Indonesia


Jakarta Pusat
Joined July 2018


New..INOGEN ONE G4 Portable OXYGEN Concentrator 2018|Made In USA
Small but Powerful | SLEEP RESTFULLY | Best Portable Oxygen
Sleep Comfortably-Sleep Peacefully-Sleep Restfully.
Active lifestyle and easy to carry around - ''Any Time - Any Where.''
Output : 100% Oxygen - AC Input : 120-240 Volt
SKU : IO-400
FREE Fingertrip Pulse OXYMETER ( selama persediaan masih ada )


Bergaransi 1 (satu) Tahun / 12 Bulan :
Garansi tidak berlaku apabila :
1. Ada satu atau lebih segel yang rusak.
2. Kerusakan diakibatkan oleh petir, lonjakan listrik, perangkat terendam air, atau akibat bencana alam dan huru hara.
3. Terjadi perubahan fisik barang baik disengaja maupun tidak disengaja.

* Hal Menarik Tentang OKSIGEN :

1. Dalam sehari, manusia menghirup oksigen dari udara kira-kira sebanyak 20 ribu kali.
2. Dalam setiap molekul air, 90% massa-nya adalah berasal dari oksigen, dan air merupakan komponen penyusun tubuh terbesar (65-75%).
3. Otak manusia yang mengambil bagian 2% dari total massa tubuh membutuhkan 20% oksigen dari yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh manusia, sehingga bisa dikatakan bahwa otak merupakan organ tubuh yang paling membutuhkan oksigen. Dari fakta ini Kamu bisa ketahui bahwa oksigen sangat penting bagi kelangsungan fungsi otak.

* Manfaat atau fungsi lain OKSIGEN bagi tubuh manusia :

1. Oksigen berperan penting bagi penglihatan (kesehatan mata)
2. Memperkuat jantung, sehingga bisa dibilang bahwa oksigen mengurangi risiko terkena serangan jantung.
3. Menenangkan pikiran dan menstabilkan system saraf.
4. Mempercepat proses pemulihan tubuh sehabis menjalani aktivitas fisik.
5. Mengobati sakit kepala, migraine dan mabuk.
6. Memperbaiki proses pencernaan.
7. Mengatasi kram otot, sehingga sangat penting saat Kamu ingin berolah-raga.
8. Membuat tidur seseorang menjadi lebih berkualitas.

Inogen One G4 System ( PULSE Flow Output Responsive Oxygen )

Weight and Size :
The Inogen One G4 is officially the smallest and lightest portable oxygen concentrator ever released by Inogen. Weighing in at 2.8 pounds with the single battery, the Inogen One G4 is more than 40% lighter than the Inogen One G3 and it's about half the size! It even weighs less than some of the most commonly used portable oxygen tanks.

Oxygen Output :
For such a small unit, the Inogen One G4 is incredibly powerful. It's a pulse flow delivery system which means it does not offer continuous flow, but it offers settings 1-3. It is equipped with Inogen's standard Intelligent Delivery Technology to ensure the unit detects your breath to delivery your oxygen with incredible accuracy. The G4 is the smallest and lightest unit in its class and you don't sacrifice functionality or battery life for the small size.

The Inogen One G4 portable oxygen concentrator specifications change slightly when utilizing the 8-Cell battery; the G3 unit is one inch taller and approximately weighs one pound more than with the standard 8-Cell battery. However, when fully charged, a single 8-cell battery will last up to 8.5-hours at a setting flow rate of 2. The Inogen One G4, packaged with the extended battery,

The G4 with 8-Cell extended battery is the ideal portable oxygen solution for trips around the block or trips around the world. Having the extended battery life from the 8-cell battery makes sure you can get up and go whenever you want and wherever you want.

Expected Battery Life :
Single Battery- Up to 2 hours on a setting of 2
Double Battery- Up to 4.5 hours on a setting of 2

Battery Recharge Times :
Single Battery- Up to 3.25 hours with AC or DC power supply
Double Battery- Up to 6 hours with AC or DC power supply

The Inogen One G4 portable oxygen concentrator brings true freedom, mobility and independence to oxygen therapy users. Equipped with Intelligent Delivery Technology and weighing less than 6 pounds (with the extended battery) the G4 oxygen concentrator is powerful enough to provide oxygen efficiently and effectively during the day while you are active and, for most users, even at night while resting.

The Inogen One G4 portable oxygen concentrator is intended for use everywhere, as it is your single oyxgen concentrator solution. The unit comes with both an AC Charger and DC Car Charger allowing you to use it at home and bring it with you on the road. Youll no longer never need to switch from your home oxygen to your portable oxygen supply; with the G4 portable oxygen concentrator, they are one in the same.

Designed as your all-in-one oxygen system means the G4 portable oxygen system can be used during the day while active, as well as, during the night while resting.

Intelligent Delivery Technology during periods of rest or sleep :
Unlike traditional oxygen systems, such as portable tanks, liquid oxygen portables, or even some other portable oxygen concentrators, the Inogen One G4 is proven to keep users saturated when active and while resting.
Intelligent Delivery Technology is highly intuitive to your changing environments and will automatically adjusts the oxygen delivery to increase oxygen delivery during sleep for most users.
Typically your breath rate slows as you sleep. The G4 will detect the fewer breaths per minute and adjust the size of each bolus of oxygen so that you get the same amount of oxygen per minute.
Intelligent Delivery Technology detects even shallow mouth breaths at night, thus triggering a bolus dose of oxygen based on a fixed minute volume.

FAA Approval :
The Inogen One G4 has not gotten FAA approval yet. The Department of Transportation and the FAA made some changes to their acceptance criteria for portable oxygen concentrators used on commercial flights. While the G4 already meets their new criteria, the final ruling will not be implimented until August 22nd, 2016. Once the ruling is implemented the G4 will receive FAA approval.

Specifications of the Inogen One G4 Portable Oxygen Concentrator with Extended Battery :
- Higher freedom and mobility for millions of patients
- Small and compact unit: 7.2H X 2.68W X 5.91L
- Convenient to carry around thanks to the stylish carry bag & comfort straps
- Designed to run seamlessly 24/7
- Weight: 2.8 Pounds with 8 Cell Battery
- Battery Life: Up to 5.5 Hours at setting 1 (8 cell)
- Flow Rate: Pulse Only Setting 1,2,3 liters per minute

How long with the Inogen One G4 batteries last at each setting?
Oxygen Flow Setting
Battery Life 8-Cell
1 lpm 5.5 hours
2 lpm 4.5 hours
3 lpm 3.5 hours

Made in USA
Kondisi : Brand New in Box
Kelengkapan : 1 Unit Innogen G3/G4, 1 Unit Battery, 1 Unit Canula, AC Power Adapter 120-240 Volt, DC cable Adapter, Autorized Warranty, Manual Book, Carry Bag + Comfortable Carry Straps.

Retail Price $ 3.495.00 US
Ada 2 Unit
- INOGEN G4 Ada 5 Unit - Harga 48.85 jt/Unit

FREE Fingertrip Pulse OXYMETER ( selama persediaan masih ada )
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Berat Pengiriman 5 kg terhitung Volume Size BOX (Packaging Contens)+Asuransi

Dimohon Pembeli untuk Inbox kami terlebih dahulu sebelum KLIK "BELI" untuk memastikan Ketersediaan Stock G3 atau G4 Kami dan Battery 4, 8, dan 16 Cells,

NB : Karena Otoritas Cargo semua Unit yang terdapat Batterynya harus menyesuaikan aturan Service Package dalam Ekspedisi dan Estimasi Waktu demi Keamanan Barang dan Ketepatan Dalam Pengantaran.

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