Perubahan Harga Terakhir: 19-06-2018, 03:20
Detail Cepat
Dedicated fixed-volume air-displacement pipet that guarantees no risk of volume-selection errors.
Dedicated fixed-volume pipette assures reliable and consistant results
Volume can be adjusted by users in the laboratory for dense or viscous fluids
Single-volume mechanism provides a low-cost alternative for clinical diagnostics, quality control and routine testing
Gilson maximum permissible errors are guaranteed only when PIPETMAN pipettes are used with the recommended Gilson PIPETMAN Tips.
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Model F10
Accuracy ±0.1μL
Compatible Tips D200, DF30ST tip
Includes Stainless Steel piston and PVDF handle
Certifications/Compliance GLP
For Use With (Equipment) D200, DF30ST tip
Warranty Lifetime
Volume (Metric) 10μL
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