Gonad Shielding Apron (Size Children 1)

Terjual 0
Diskusi 0

Rp 1.778.000

Perubahan Harga Terakhir: 18-09-2019, 03:21

Penjual ini terverifikasi memiliki IPAK: FK.01.01/VI/572/2018

Detail Cepat

5Kg / Barang
1 Barang
Asal Negara
AKL Kemenkes
AKL 11503811500
Bintang Sarana Medika


Jakarta Pusat
Joined September 2019


Primax Radiation-Protective Clothing For Use In Medical Radiology

+ For protection of patient's gonads during radioscopy of thorax and upper abdomen
+ Also used for protecting the patient from scattered radiation in the room during medical examinations
+ With waist fastening by simple buckle

Specification :
PB Equivalent 0.50mm
Material Lead Vinyl
Size Children 1 (25x20 cm)

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